Intellectual Property

We strongly oppose any occurrence of infringement and maintain the authority of intellectual property rights.

We explicitly prohibit users from infringing on the intellectual property of EasyFinder and damaging the good reputation of EasyFinder. All intellectual property and copyright of EasyFinder website, including graphic designs, creative materials related to EasyFinder website, are solely owned by EasyFinder and are not explicitly transferred to users.

Users have non-exclusive rights to use EasyFinder website for personal and private use only.

The EasyFinder web program is always the property of EasyFinder. The software can only operate in conjunction with the agreement signed by the user and for the purpose of the web service. Users are prohibited from modifying, removing, or obscuring any instructions related to EasyFinder intellectual property or any (trademark) logos on the EasyFinder website.

If you have any concerns or complaints about possible intellectual property infringement, please send an email to and indicate the rights suspected of being infringed and the accused product.